Your Dad
When I met your dad we instantly connected, he was very good looking, with large grey eyes, very tall and broad of shoulder... I was young - 17 or 18 not out of high school yet and he was 21 or 22. He lived in his moms house in San Bernardino, a nice house - Spanish style with a great yard! His mom and dad had divorced when he was young and he never saw his dad...His mom was living in Greece they were Greek, your dads grandma lived down the street and loved your dad - she called him Johny and kind of mothered him. She and I became good friends and when you were born, oh she just loved you so much - you called her ya ya...Your dad worked construction and he liked it...He loved food, long drives, movies, reading the paper, and books, he was smart, liked to figure things out...Even though we were young and dysfunctional we had some pretty good times...I think when things became to overwhelming he ran like his father did. I want you to know that he was and is a good man...You do not have to repeat this cycle! Try not to think of how much you are missing or the thoughts of failing. I know the Man you are, I see the Father you will be...I loved your dad and when I hold Kennedy I am so grateful for those two young dysfunctional kids who tripped into parenthood with you!
Love Mom
dear kerry, how grateful i am to know your son - and recall moments of his childhood - and now know more about his father. your graciousness and honesty linger with me long after i read your passages here. i love you. xok.