Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Fathers Day

Dear Lance,

I had a wonderful visit with you! When I think back to the times when I did not know where you were, or how you were living, I thank God that you are still alive, even though prison is not a place where a parent wants to see their kids - you are alive, you look good, we laugh, hug and talk!

While at the cabin we watched a movie called Courages, it was a wonderful movie about being a Father. I have saved the movie for you and it now goes on my list of books/movies that are life changers.

There is so much responsibility to being a parent and fathers carry a huge load... I found this wonderful article which I will share with you, it was called The Responsible Fatherhood Curriculum and has great articles with tons of information.

Introduction to Responsible Fatherhood
What Are My Values?
Boys to Men: Experiencing Manhood
The Art of Communication
Fathers as Providers
Noncustodial Fathers: Rights and Responsibilities
Developing Values in Children
Coping as a Single Father
Dealing with Children’s Behaviors
Relationships: Being a Friend, Partner, Parent, and Employee
Understanding Male-Female Relationships
Managing Conflict and Handling Anger
Handling Anger and Conflict on the Job
Surviving on the Job
The Issue of Race/Racism Part I
The Issue of Race/Racism Part II
Taking Care of Business
Managing Your Time and Money
Building a Support Network: Who’s on Your Side?
Alcohol and Drug Use and Abuse Part I
Alcohol and Drug Use and Abuse Part II
Healthful Eating

I know that you are going to be a wonderful Father to Kennedy and I love you so much!