Monday, January 31, 2011

January 31, 2011 Dear Son,

The road to recovery, for me, a long bumpy journey. One of my friends took me to my first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, the group - Thank God were of my same age so I did not feel out of place. I new I needed help as my life was completely out of control, my apartment had just burned down, the relationship I was in just admitted he was selling meth, my choices were totally inappropriate, one morning waking in a place I did not recognize and I did not know where or with who I had left you! and most days I could not even open my window shads with depression moving in..Drugs were easier for me to walk away from than alcohol - As alcohol is legal and socially acceptable. Another huge problem for me was how was I going handle my feelings? For so long I could drug-drink-have a man-smoke-or eat my feelings away. Although none of these methods really worked anyways and caused more trouble and pain in my life. I finally did give up the alcohol too and started working with a sponsor, going to more meetings, and our life started to change. I started individual therapy with a woman who ended up really mentoring me and saving my life. My mom helped me get into a trade college and I also started parenting classes. This was allot to take in all at at once and good things did start to happen - I do believe that good living brings good living! I will say goodnight now and will write more tomorrow, sending my love, mom

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